House Meguro



Meguro-ku, Tokyo

On 46m2 site plot, a 3 storey wooden structure house of 71m2 total floor area.
Contrary to a standard house, with its hierarchy between the rooms’ area from the wide living room to the small bathroom, this house has all its rooms with approximately the same area. The central staircase divides the space into living room and dining-kitchen, entrance-study and bathroom, children’s and parents rooms. As the space is limited, the living room becomes compact with everything within reach. Conversely, the bathroom is wide, emphasizing bath time as for enjoyment and leisure time. Moreover, in a way to enlarge those small individual spaces, wall furniture are extended out of the limit of the rooms as continuous element from an area to an other.

  • Location:Meguro-ku, Tokyo
  • Category:Residence
  • Completion:2007.11
  • Contractor:Iizuka Koumuten
  • Structural Design:Delta-SC
  • Photos:KOP+Hattori
  • Total Area:46.50 ㎡
  • Buildingl Area:26.49 ㎡
  • Total Floor Area:71.46 ㎡


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