ReNOA Motosumiyoshi Common Area



Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa

This project is a whole renovation of a 21-year-old building formerly used to house company employees. Because the existing entryway was in poor condition, we proposed replacing it with a space that would serve both as the new face of the building and as a place for residents to build a community. To bridge the elevation gap between the entrance and elevator, and the common hallway on the first floor, we added a sloped courtyard garden that also provides a green area residents can look out on from the community room. The exterior of the entryway, staircase, and western side of the building is covered in subdued wine-red steel sheeting that will only become more interesting as it ages.
ReBITA TV interview

  • Location:Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
  • Category:Flat
  • Completion:2011.02
  • Developer:ReBITA Inc.
  • Design Architect:Key Operation Architects
  • Detail Design:TACT Inc.
  • Contractor:Konoike Construction Co.,Ltd.
  • Photos:KOP+ReBITA Inc.


Starbucks Futamatagawa


Yanaka Building


Pumice House
